Cosmopolitan Lodge was consecrated in July 1960, in Zurich, by Swiss, English, and Australian masons who became members of the Order in overseas lodges.
English, the lingua franca, became the official language of the Lodge. These days, most members are Swiss, but many other countries are also well represented. Cosmopolitan Lodge works the Emulation Ritual.
We are currently 80 members. The age bracket ranges from 30 to 92 years, with an average age of approximately 54.
If, after reading the information on this site, you would be interested in becoming a Freemason, we advise that you talk first to a family member, friend, or colleague whom you already know to be a member. They will be able to explain to you what they can about the fraternity and help you find a suitable Lodge. If you don't know anyone who is a member, write to us, providing a brief description of yourself and your reasons for wanting to join. Please see our Contact page.
Freemasonry is a way of living. Its members are expected to be thoughtful to others, kind in the community, honest in their dealings, courteous in society and fair in all things. These attributes are instilled in Masons throughout their Masonic careers.
There are no strangers in Freemasonry, only friends you've yet to meet.


Freemasonry is perhaps the most misunderstood yet popular "secret society" the world has ever known. A simple one-line definition would not satisfactorily describe what Freemasonry is.
Freemasonry is the world's oldest and largest Fraternity. It aims to promote Friendship, Morality, and Brotherly Love among its members; men from every race, religion, opinion, and background who are brought together as Brothers to develop and strengthen the bonds of friendship. Freemasonry proposes to "make good men better" by teaching - with metaphors from geometry and architecture - about building values based on great universal truths.
Freemasonry exists in every part of the globe - in some 60 countries throughout Europe, North and South America, India, Africa, Newfoundland, New Zealand, Australia, the Middle East, the Far East, and even Russia. Total membership is estimated at around 5 million.
The square and compass of Freemasonry - It is a sign universally recognized throughout the world for centuries, as a symbol of truth, morality, and brotherly love.
Although the secrets of Freemasonry have been made public in the past centuries, it doesn't mean everyone knows the mystery of Masonry. In fact, much of the appeal of the Craft is that the great truths revealed in Masonic rituals can take years to understand. Like the building of any great structure, the powerful metaphors and symbols of Masonry build character - and sometimes greatness - one stone at a time.
Who are Masons? Freemasons come from all walks of life. From the Royal Family, from the professions, from business, from trade, and the shop floor, each is a "Brother" to everyone else.
And it is not the prerogative of the rich - it costs far less to be a Mason than to be a member of the local golf club. Freemasonry does not have a restricted or closed membership but is available to all men of good character.
While membership under the Grand Lodge of England is restricted to men, there are other Masonic organizations, which admit only ladies.

What is Freemasonry
- At home, it is benevolence
- In business, it is honesty
- In society, it is politeness
- At work, it is respect
- For the unfortunate, it is sympathy
- To injustice, it is resistance
- For the weak, it is help
- Towards the law, it is loyalty
- Against the wrongdoers, it is forgiveness
- Towards those who think differently, it is tolerance
Where can I get more information about the Freemasons?
The best way to get information is to talk to a Mason. He will answer your questions and provide you with additional information; and, if you would like, find a convenient time to meet, introduce you to some other members, and tour their building. You may have some of the same questions as those below - so take a look at the FAQ's.
What are the requirements to become a Mason?
Anyone meeting the following primary requirements may petition a lodge for membership:
- You are an adult male (18 or older) of good character and recommended by a Mason.
- You believe in a Supreme Being - but we are not concerned with theological distinctions or your particular religious beliefs.
- You are interested in becoming a Mason because you hold a favorable opinion of our institution; and, your decision to apply is based on your own "free will and accord" - no one compelled you to join.
How do I become a Freemason? Ask!
Because Masons have not traditionally recruited members, and do not hold public meetings, there has long been confusion about how to join the Fraternity. Does someone ask you? Do you ask? But if you meet the requirements above, it is really quite simple:
Most men can become a Mason by simply asking. Each Lodge manages the membership process for its candidates. In general, men seek out a Lodge near their home or work, or they ask a Mason to recommend a Lodge to them. Once you've found a lodge you would like to join, let them know of your interest and they will provide you with a petition.
If you are unanimously elected by the members of a lodge, joining the Fraternity involves going through three "degrees": Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason. Every man accepted into the Fraternity goes through the degrees, thereby making each an equal to the others in the lodge.
What if I don't know a Mason who can recommend me?
It is quite possible you know a Mason but you just don't realize it. If your father, uncles, or grandfathers aren't Masons, they probably know someone who is. You might also want to ask around your workplace or school, church, or gym - anywhere that you find a group of men, you might find a Mason. They might very well be looking forward to the opportunity to speak with you; more importantly, they would be honored to sponsor you for membership.
If you don't know anyone who is a Mason and you are a complete stranger to all of the members of the lodge, you are going to want to take some time getting to know them. But they are going to want to take some time getting to know you too. Once you are ready to ask, a member of the lodge will sign your petition.
What are the time commitments of being a Mason?
Becoming a Mason takes at least three years from the time you complete your petition until you have finished your degrees. Until you begin taking your degrees though, very little is asked of you. Once the degree work begins you will need to attend your lodge's periodic meeting.
Like many things, you get out of Freemasonry what you choose to put into it; although we also recognize and understand the need for a balance between your family, work or school, and other interests and commitments.
There is a one-time initiation fee set by each lodge and annual dues, which also differ from lodge-to-lodge.
Where did Freemasonry come from?
Part of the mystique of Freemasonry can be attributed to speculation about its roots. Over the years, historians have never been able to conclusively determine exactly when, where, how, and why Freemasonry was born.
The order is thought to have arisen from the English and Scottish guilds of practicing stonemasons and cathedral builders in the Middle Ages. Certain Masonic documents actually trace the sciences of geometry and masonry to the time of ancient Egypt, and some historians say that Masonry has its real roots in antiquity.
The formation of the first Grand Lodge in London in 1717 marks the beginning of the Modern (or "Speculative") era of Freemasonry, when members were no longer limited to actual working stonemasons. These "Accepted" Masons adopted more enlightened philosophies, and turned what was a tradesmen's organization into a fraternity for moral edification, intellectual recitation, benevolent service, and gentlemanly socialization.
What are the benefits of becoming a Mason?
There are numerous benefits to being a Mason, but they tend to be personal and they are also quite varied. And they can only be truly discovered by becoming a member. But to try and give you an idea: without question the opportunity to experience camaraderie and fellowship with a group of men across the boundaries of age, race, religion, culture, and opinion is a fundamental to the Fraternity; many find great value and knowledge in our ritual ceremony that uses symbolism and metaphors to encourage and remind us to appreciate principles, ethics, and morality, and to live our lives accordingly; others find great satisfaction in our charitable efforts, community service, and the support we provide our members and their families; finally, for those who take on leadership positions within their lodge, they develop or further very practical management skills.
Is Masonry a secret society?
No. It is sometimes said that Freemasonry is a "Society with secrets, not a secret society." In point of fact, however, any purported Masonic "secrets" were made public several centuries ago in London newspapers, and today can be found in the Library of Congress, on the Internet, and in many books on the subject. As Benjamin Franklin once said, "The great secret of Freemasonry is that there is no secret at all."
What is Masonic "ritual?"
The nature of Masonic ritual is both complex and beautiful. "Ritual" is a formal ceremony of initiation which recites certain tenets and truths that have been passed down for generations - mostly from mouth to ear. This "Ritual" takes the form of lectures and theater in the Lodge, and is used to teach new Masons the value of true friendship, the benefits of knowledge, and the necessity of helping those in need.
It speaks to the power and impact our ritual has on men's hearts and minds because it has stood the test of time for more than 300 years. Although our world has changed dramatically during that time, our ritual is virtually the same.
Is Masonry a Religion?
No. Masonry is not a religion. But it is one of the few platforms where men of all faiths - Christians, including Catholics, Jews, Muslims, and men of every other faith - can come together because it is open to all men who believe in a Supreme Being.
Religion is not discussed at Masonic meetings. Masonry does not have a theology or dogma, it does not offer sacraments, and it does not offer the promise of salvation.
Is Freemasonry a charity?
No. Masonic principles teach the value of relief - or charity - and Freemasons may give donations to support numerous worthy causes and groups locally and around the world.
We welcome contact with anyone, regardless of gender, religion, nationality, race, or even shoe size.
We have set up various channels to better assign your inquiry to a suitable contact person. Please select your desired channel from the drop-down list in the contact form.
This channel is for questions about Freemasonry in general or our Cosmopolitan Lodge in particular.
Please be advised that we may ask to meet in person for more complex questions or delicate topics rather than reply with a long email. As a policy, we do not reply to solicitation or inappropriate requests.
This channel is if you are interested in joining Freemasonry in general or our Cosmopolitan Lodge in particular.
We will be happy to answer any questions about joining Freemasonry in general or this Cosmopolitan Lodge in particular.
We will also be happy to assist you in finding a suitable Lodge in Switzerland if you wish. Should you want to apply to our Cosmopolitan Lodge, please note that as an English-speaking Lodge, we require a high level of understanding of the English language.
Please also note that we have a long list of people wishing to join. The usual waiting time to join our Lodge at the moment is at least four years.
This channel is to contact our webmaster for any web site related matters.
Contact form:
Thank you, we have received your message and will contact you as soon as possible.
Please note that our email replies may go to your junk mailbox! If you can, regularly check your junk mail folders for our replies.
Dear visiting Brother,
We are always happy to receive visiting Brethren from all over the world – it’s part of our DNA. Except for our annual General Assembly Meeting, all other meetings are open to visiting Brethren.
Visiting Brethren from a Swiss Lodge:
You are kindly requested to register directly via our Lodge Calendar, which you will find on our website. If you have not yet visited us before, please make yourself known at the Lodge no later than 45’ before the meeting so that our Junior Warden can get to know you personally in a short interview. Ideally, you have an ID from the Grand Lodge Alpina of Switzerland.
Visiting Brethren from Lodges on the Lindenhof do not need to be interviewed by our Junior Warden, as you are already known to us.
Visiting Brethren from abroad:
Before visiting us, is it required that we clarify whether UGLE and our Grand Lodge Alpina of Switzerland recognize your Grand Lodge. Should your GL not be recognized, then we will not be permitted to receive you for any ceremonial work!
Ideally, your visit should be pre-announced by a formal request via your Grand Lodge, which will eventually be sent to us.
But let us not let processes stand in the way of our Brotherhood. You can also email us the name of your Lodge and Grand Lodge and advise us which meeting you wish to attend. Our Brother Secretary will communicate with our Grand Lodge and clarify the situation.
It may be possible that a brief interview with our Junior Warden will be required.
Lodges in Zurich
- Aurora Humanitas, Zurich
- In Labore Virtus, Zurich
- Modestia cum Libertate, Zurich
- Libertas et Fraternitas, Zurich
- Sapere Aude, Zurich
- Catena Humanitatis, Zurich
- Post Tenebras Lux, Zurich (French)

English speaking Lodges in Switzerland
- Saint Andrew's Lodge, Basel (English)
- Masonry Universal Lodge, Geneva (English)
- St. Georges Lodge, Morges (English)
All Lodges in Switzerland
Grand Lodges
- Grand Lodge Alpina of Switzerland
- United Grand Lodge of England
- Other international grand loges recognized by United Grand Lodge of England
After the 3rd Degree
- National Grand Chapter HELVETIA of Royal Arch Masons of Switzerland (RA)
- The National Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Switzerland (MMM)
- Royal Ark Mariner (RAM)
- Rektifizierter Schottischer Ritus (RSR)
- Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite (AASR)
- Cosmopolitan Chapter No. 7
- Cosmopolitan Mark Master Mason No. 6
- Cosmopolitan Royal Ark Mariner No. 6
- Emirat Shrine Club Switzerland
Other interesting links
For Freemasons, for families, for everyone!
We know that not everyone can always live on the sunny side of life and, therefore, may at one time or another require help.
We, as Freemasons and, more specifically, the Members of Cosmopolitan Lodge, are dedicated to helping.
We analyse the problem or need and then decide how to deliver support, whether with financial aid, our time, or even both.
We encourage our members to be active in providing help where needed and, even more, to invest as much time as possible in charity, as time is the most precious thing a person can offer!
Projects for us are people or organizations we to support over several years. We endeavour to contact them regularly to learn more about their ongoing needs and particular circumstances. Our main goal is to have a close relationship and a positive impact.

Kinderhospiz Schweiz
One of our latest projects we have is with Kinderhospiz Schweiz.We not only support them financially, also support them with services and other activities in the background.
We have committed to continue to contribute a substantial amount over the next few years.
Please follow the link if you wish to contribute on a personal level.

Zürcher Frauenhaus Violetta
The Frauenhaus Violetta is a matter close to our hearts. Many of our members and their partners live on the sunnier side of life. Unfortunately, not everyone is as well off as we are, and there are always cases where women and children become victims of domestic violence. We at Cosmopolitan Lodge make a regular contribution so that these women and children, at least temporarily, receive protection and support and have a chance to reorganize their lives.Please follow the link above if you wish to contribute personally.
Voluntary Work
Some members donate money and several hours of charity work per month to care for disabled and elderly people with special needs.